Spring Life Counseling

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Take Up Space

It’s ok to take up space.

Today I’m sharing a quick bite-sized therapy lesson. Some life coach advice to remind yourself of when needed- at home, at work, wherever you find yourself shrinking back.

Nothing beats a life lesson from my dear old dad.

I learned to drive in a beastly maroon 1989 Mercury Grand Marquis. Bench seats. Chrome bumper. Glorious. If you can drive a tank like that, you can drive anything.

One day when my dad was teaching me how to drive, we were heading down a normal 2 lane road. Every time an approaching vehicle came, I would get scared and swerved over to hug the shoulder, allowing the other vehicle as much room as possible as we crossed paths. Eventually my dad caught on to what I was doing and he said these wise words, “You own 50% of the road. The other car is only due 50%. You can’t go over the line but it’s your right to take up every inch of your lane.”

You, my friend, have the right to take up space. Don’t bully but don’t acquiesce. You can’t take up more than your fair share. But you certainly don’t need to give up any of what’s been allotted for you alone.

You don’t have to be driving a tank of a sedan to rightfully own your spot. You can do so in your office, at home, with friends, with strangers. Show up and be present. Own your share of the space.

Spring Life Counseling LLC