
Valentines Day: How to Nail It.

Dear Men,

I have previously written about Valentines Day to your wives and girlfriends in an attempt to make things easier on you. I encouraged your wives to not be so specific about their expectations for VDay (and other holidays) and I have written to them to point out how they could indeed make this romantic holiday special for you, as well. After all, romance should not be one-sided. I wrote both of these to help you out, cut you some slack, and generally endear your significant others to you. You're welcome. :)

Now, I want to turn my attention directly to you and offer you some specific help with this single purpose:


You're probably's not even February 13th yet...why are we even talking about this? (A few of you are actually a step behind thinking...wait...when is Valentines Day this year?! It's April 1st. Same as last year.)Let's be real; in all likelihood, your wife or long-time girlfriend sent you this post.I know the drill. I will be brief. I will be direct. If you do what I say, I'll set you up for *ahem* "success."Sure. You could skirt by another year with Circle K chocolate and a single rose while ordering Papa Johns from the comfort of your couch, fingers crossed that you've done enough for things to end in your favor. But WHAT IF you stepped your game up just a bit, and enjoyed the benefit of being the guy who gets bragged about on February 15.

Steps to NAILING Valentines Day:

  1. Start today. Listen, you don't actually have to do anything today. You just need to casually mention, "I've been thinking about what we could do to celebrate Valentines Day together this year..." ...and then don't say anything else. Trust me. Less is more. All you have to do is plant the seed of expectation. Just the simple fact that it's already crossed your mind will be enough to blow her mind. You are already winning! Congratulations.

  2. Make a reservation. To do ANYTHING. It doesn't have to be dinner. It could be that you buy a movie ticket in advance. Schedule her an appointment to get her nails done. Sure...a reservation for dinner works, too. It doesn't matter what it is really. Just schedule ANYTHING in advance. In this simple move you are silently conquering the "you just through this together on your way home from work" argument. It's really the forethought and intentionality that matters. (And all the women said, "AMEN!")

  3. Buy or do something that SHE enjoyed when you first met. This could be as simple as making a playlist of old songs she used to love, taking her to an old hangout, watching an old movie you saw together. It doesn't have to be expensive for fancy. (But it's fine if it is.) Just have it ready for the big day. It's really just the thoughtfulness that gets you the points. My husband would say, "nostalgia is a real panty dropper."'re welcome for that. He's a poet.

  4. Remove distractions. Whenever you plan to celebrate Valentines Day (the weekend before or after is totally a fine option, in my opinion, just as long as she knows in advance), do yourself a favor and remove distractions so your wife won't get in her head. Take the kids to Grandma's house. Hire a cleaning lady to make the house look nice. Think of whatever it that she seems to consider of urgent importance, and make sure that's taken care of, so at the end of your celebration, she will be able to remain present with you, instead of hopping into all the busyness of household duties. simple as most of this is, it's all that it will really take for her to think you're 10 feet tall this Valentines Day. You can get fancy "above and beyond" all you want. But these elements will set you up for success: expectation, thoughtfulness, nostalgia. Have fun...make it your own. Rather than let Valentines Day give you a sense of dread or that you've failed...change it up just a bit and enjoy the fruit of your labor!


Oh, and while I have you, men, let me tell you this: I have a very special, very specific "talk" that I give wives when it comes to libido and the importance of sex. I'm like Liam Neeson. I have a special set of skills, therapeutically speaking. If this is a pep talk, training, or treatment plan that you'd like your wife to have, send her my way!

Here are some of my thoughts on the topic but I'd be glad to discuss a specific plan in my counseling office in Walker or Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Spring Life Counseling LLC


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